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I’ve found a university in the US that teaches a Master of Science in Space Studies. Unfortunately it is quite expensive and I sincerely doubt they will give me a scholarship since I have no experience in the sector after obtaining my Industrial Engineer degree from the University of Lima.

As a matter of fact, I don’t even know when I am going to graduate. I should have studied liberal arts instead of engineering *.

Oh, well. I’ll give it a try anyway. Here the economy is still a disaster and I don’t think I will find a job that suits me once I get out of the university.


Source: www.space.edu

UND Department of Space Studies. Source: www.space.edu


* 2010: When I was a kid I wanted to be a writer, but Carl Sagan’s Cosmos pushed me to Engineering. The funny thing is that now as an Engineer, I spend a lot of time writing and reviewing documents.

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