
Archive for the ‘Market Analysis’ Category

More on market segmentation

Arellano Marketing is a Peruvian marketing company dedicated to research and consulting. They just launched their view of how Peru’s population is segmented (only in Spanish). Very, very interesting.

Unfortunately political parties in Peru are still discussing about left and right, class struggle and other 19th century stuff.

In brief, Peru is not divided by socio-economical classes like A, B, C, D & E, but by 6 life styles: sophisticated, progressive, modern, adapted, conservative and resigned. And, within each lifestyle, there are people with a wide spectrum of income:


Peruvian lifestyles vs income spectrum. Source: Arellano Marketing.


In my experience, it is true. I’ve seen Peru evolve from closed-economy socialism to free market democracy. Economic progress has transformed the country, shattering our stagnated society and democratising opportunities.

Categories: Market Analysis, Peru Tags:

Simple, simple market segmentation

This video from Oxford Learning Lab shows one of the pillars of my family’s chocolate startup: proper market segmentation and how important it is to understand the needs of each segment.


Engineers clean James Webb’s mirror with carbon dioxide snow. Source: NASA


Initial results demonstrated it was a good strategy. Alas, events unfolded in such a way I couldn’t see the long term results; who knows, maybe one day I’ll be back to the world of chocolate. In the meantime I am using it for the market analysis of my internship report.